
分类: 情感八卦杂谈 发布时间: 2023-03-03 10:51:32

  楼上那个是网上抄来的。。 以下是我自己写的一篇,希望会对你有帮助。

James Cameron’s Avatar is a masterpiece of art。 From the very beginning, viewers are shown a plethora of beautiful images from the exotic land of Pandora, ranging from magical plants to the several stunning wild animals that roam the planet。
   However, aside from the visual appeal, the movie itself is a bit lacking in plot, as it falls prey to the all too familiar structure of a technological society vs an enlightened primitive society: the ending is predictable and the storyline flat。
   On the whole though, Avatar deserves credit for its artistic achievements。

自己写的,93 个字。

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