
分类: 情感八卦杂谈 发布时间: 2023-01-08 17:43:38

从她和母亲的关系可以看出:她的母亲原本也是芭蕾舞演员,因为怀孕或其他某种原因,不得不中止自己的事业,从此这位母亲就将自己的梦想传递给了她的女儿——从小送她去学芭蕾,对她精心“呵护”:nina房间的洋娃娃,催眠的音乐盒,每天早上叫她起床,不许她在外面玩的过晚,甚至朋友(lily)在门口找她都不让她进门,在两人谈话时还不断干扰……总而言之,这是个非常强势的压榨孩子的私人空间的单身母亲。有一个细节值得注意,就是这位母亲终日在房间里画自画像,更加重了nina 的心理负担(想象一下我们常常看到的父母辞职或请长假,在学校边上租个房子给高考的孩子陪读吧。),这种心理负担要求nina必须成功,她不仅仅是为自己而跳舞,而是继承了母亲的意志,所以在后来她的幻想中,墙上的画才会说”乖孩子“”该我了“。



Seen as a companion piece to director Darren Aronofsky\'s critical hit The Wrestler, Black Swan is his love-letter to the operatic world of ballet. Similar to The Wrestler, this is a psychological study of a loyal servant to a chosen profession, who are pushed to the limits both physically and psychologically by the pressures of being good and relevant to their craft.

The performances are excellent, namely Portman. She is in practically every scene and is every bit as good as you\'ve most likely heard. Her transformation from the sweet, dedicated Nina of the first half to the desperate, troubled one of the second is wholly convincing, and that is down to Portman\'s acting ability. The scene in the cubicle when she calls her mother to tell her she got the part perfectly captures Nina\'s joy mixed with utter disbelief and confusion. She\'s always been a very good actress, but apart from 2004\'s Closer, she\'s never really been given a role she can really chew on. Here she chews with aplomb. Like I stated in a previous post, I would not begrudge her the Oscar if she beats my hopeful Jennifer Lawrence for Winter\'s Bone.

Black Swan is a very well-made film with amazing scenes of ballet, powerful acting and loose, confrontational camera-work, similar to that of The Wrestler. I just wish Aronofsky had been a bit more original with the horror scenes and offered something genuinely tormenting, similar to what he did with Requiem For A Dream. Probably not for ballet-buffs either, unless you also enjoy scenes of fingernail removal and masturbation.