
分类: 情感八卦杂谈 发布时间: 2023-02-08 05:34:38

《小时代》的故事以经济飞速发展的上海这座风光而时尚的城市为背景,讲述了林萧、南湘、顾里、唐宛如这四个从小感情深厚、有着不同价值观和人生观的女生,先后所经历的友情、爱情,乃至亲情的巨大转变,是一部当下年轻人生活一个侧面的真实写照。故事刚开始时,林萧、南湘、顾里、唐宛如上了大学,如高中一样,继续着彼此深厚的友谊,后来在彼此接触现实生活后,在某些地方发生了蜕变和成长的痕迹,各自的男朋友也与其他人发生了各种复杂的关系和故事,导致许多误会和嫉妒,继续过着不理解,吵架,和好的生活。但是一切都是在变化着,周遭环境的变化也在改变着他们的人生价值观。 这是一个梦想闪耀的时代,这也是一个理想冷却的时代,这是最坏的时代,这也是最好的时代,这是我们的小时代。 这是当下时代一群时尚年轻人的青春故事,也是属于他们生活的真实写照,更是我们这个时代的一个缩影。

小时代 初二英语影评

Story to the rapid economic development of Shanghai this beautiful and fashionable city as the background, tells the story of the Lin
Xiao perspective, as well
as her and started from
the high school of
deep feelings,缉哗光狙叱缴癸斜含铆 have different values and outlook on life\'s good friend Gu Li, southern Hunan, Tang like, has experienced great
changes in friendship, love, and the affection, is a true portrayal of a modern young people living on a side. Since the beginning of the story, Lin Xiao, Gu Li, southern Hunan, Tang as the University, such as high as to each other, a deep friendship, then contact the
reality of life in each other, transformation and traces the growth occurred in some
places, their boyfriend and other people in a variety of
complex relations
and the
story, cause many misunderstandings and
envy, and continue to
live do not
understand, quarrel, and the good life. But all things are
in change, changes in our
environment is
also changing their life



This is a dream shine era, this is also an ideal cooling times; it was the worst of times, this is the best of times, this is our tiny
times. This is the age group of fashionable young people the story of
youth, is a true
portrayal of their
lives, is a microcosm of our times.